Friday, January 2, 2015


Spent new years eve at home, had dinner with my parents. Took a nice nap and almost overslept. Rushed to meet janet for mini countdown. Almost didn't make it hahah.

Was nice spending new years eve with her, considering i'll probably be drinking my ass off in some club somewhere haha. We basically finished all those sparklers in a span of a few minutes. Felt like pyro with all the sparklers haha. More smoke than anything tho.

Traveled to simpang for some food and gosh it was packed like crazy. Ate some Indian rojak and the drinks took super long to arrive. Went over to have some foot massage. The guy used a lot of force man. Ankles still hurting now.

That was about it I guess. Simple but great.

The past year was filled with many ups and downs. And I've learnt to be less expecting of things and to be happier. Also learnt who were my friends through and true. I've lost significant weight and gotten much fitter as well. Promoted twice, and learnt to enjoy myself in army. Grandma passed on last year too, but she's in a better place now. Miss her lots. Cousin's got married, sister has a new bf, and I'm still single hahahaha.

I don't have much of a new years resolution but I guess one would be to stay happy. It sounds pretty generic but it means so much to me to be happy. To be contented with what I have and not too expect much. That's all I really need.

Here's hoping that 2015 will be a good year, with happy and fulfilling events throughout.
