Monday, January 10, 2011

Just a myth

Whoever said poly was gonna be a breeze is gonna get a tight slap from me. Tough shit. LMAO.

Got 2 IE homework still incomplete, Mech2 still blur, math 2 mst fail. GG LA.

Anyway climbing tmrw, hopefully can forget my troubles. Gosh, haven't reached the top in a long time. God i suck.

Meeting xw on wed to pass him livestrong bands and take fast fender. (Y). Wanna get NATO straps with ahle for my watch. Olive green sounds nice.

Feeling dizzy now. Don't know why. What's wrong with me? Haven't shat properly in a long time. AND I CAN'T FREAKING PASS MY 2.4KM RUN CAN.

Can't stay awake now. What happened to the Dexter that was so able and willing to sleep at 6am? Janet says I'm old. WTF. Thanks ah eh. But true ah. Feeling old. =[

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