Monday, April 11, 2011


Its almost 1.30am and I'm having much thoughts. Not sure if my phone battery will last me the course of my thought expelling process.

Who even reads this blog?? Other than the spam in the tagboard, Janet (no offence, i appreciate your reading) and a few ghosts. No one. One could call this my storage box for my feelings. (to those I left out, I apologise)

Some of you may know. I fell in love 2 years back with a girl up the hill in the buisness block. Had the chance, was unsure, didn't take the risk. When I was sure, still didn't take it. Too afraid of rejection. Comparing now with trying and failing, should have chosen the latter. Regrets you say? Totally.

Now there's this girl. Pretty. Funny. Outgoing. Sweet. With a wee bit of a wild side. Yup, captian obvious, I like her.

Made that mistake once, never going to make it again.

Okay ghosts, don't call me fickle minded.

Seems like a fast decision to like someone, but seldom you find a girl that actually likes and appreciates the jokes I give, and actually says those jokes herself. There are obviously prettier girls out there, but I don't see myself happy with them. I see myself happy with you. Really, I do. Might be a simple crush, who knows? Never had the chance to express love and what not to another girl before, so I wouldn't know.

What Janet said was right though. Try not to Fall in love too quickly. It'll just leave me heartbroken in the process. But seems I already have. But will be cautious of my approach towards this.


But to my miss spongebob, good night, have a pleasant day at work. Can't wait till I see you again. Hopefully without those twats though.
Can I dream of you too? Please??

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