Friday, December 24, 2010


Merry Christmas everyone!


Yes, it's coming! Means Rosanne's birfday also coming. LMAO. Festive season!!!! Love it ttm man. Going for christmas eve dinner later with family, still in Hong Kong thou. It's less than 4 days till i'm back in Singapore. Cannot wait. Miss everyone. Everything. Cannot wait to see you guys again!!!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I'm getting better i guess. Haven't shat in a day. Bought booties! hahaha. Adidas. Damn cheap. I think $30 sgd. Went to Tung Chung, it's sorta like this place near the airport, where the shops are duty free, so it's exceptionally cheap. There's food republic! It's like little Singapore. Got chicken rice, laksa, everything la. hahaha. But ate porridge. -.- EPIC FAIL. It's a week more till i'm back in sg, can't freaking wait. Miss my friends and all. Arms feel so flabby =[. Ahle, Janet is sick also. Hope they get well soon. I think Janet has some test or something tmrw. Good luck to her i guess. Feeling tired nao. Gonna sleep soon. haha. till then. buaizxc!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


I lost count how many days iv'e been here. I just wanna go home. I'm still sick. Wenta see doc again. Got an injection. Yikes! Sigh. Seems like i'm developing a cough nao. Sian ttm.

Saturday, December 18, 2010


-have a headache that dosen't seem to stop.
-feel drained
-vomited 3 times
-had diarrhea 11 times
-feel lousy

in the past 24 hours.

Friday, December 17, 2010


It's a week now. I think i'm falling sick. Sigh.

On the bright side, i bought vans stuff. Shoes and a shirt. :D Happy.

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Maybe I'll try to hold out. 2 weeks isn't that long of a time. Aunt's family arriving in Hong Kong tomorrow. Going disneyland on Monday. =]

I shouldn't be the one that's emo-ing. Janet should be. So much change going on in her life. And it's permanent. Mine's only temporary. Jiayous Janet!


Ever been four degrees out in the open with clothing not suited for that temp? Most likely no. FUCK. I DIDN'T ASK TO BE HERE. And if anyone reading hasn't noticed the recent change in tone of my writing, i'm fucking sick of Hong Kong. Their lack of English skills. The coldness. The fucking crammed house. I WANT MY GOD DAMN SPACE. MY WONDERFUL WONDERFUL BED. FACK YEW!!!!!


It's almost a week. Freezing. FUCK ALL OF YOU. I WANNA GO BACK TO SG. Warm warm singapore. Hot, humid, sweaty, awesome singapore. Freaking wonderful 30 degrees singapore. FACKKKKKKK. LMAO.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Are you fucking kidding me? Do I have to explain to you every single thing? So what if I'm physically tired of walking around HK? Maybe it's also mentally tired? And that I actually don't want to be here? Of course I can't say that to you right??? So fuck off and stop asking. Do you have to compare walking to cycling? Like why i walk 20mins so tired, but can cycle whole day? FUCK OFF. GET OF MY BACK. BOTH OF YOU.


Nothing much. Tired. Got more kapibara thou. GOD I MISS SINGAPORE.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010




Dad wenta work, left mom sis and me. Walked around 4 shopping centres. Tired like fuck.

Its only been 4 days. And i miss so much. Friends, cycling, climbing, my bed, hot, humid singapore. How can I handle 3 and a half more weeks. Sigh. Stupid right? On holiday also feel moody.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Began early. Woke up without any cause. Don't know why. Played Call of duty till everyone as ready. Then went out. Bought a fenix lookalike light. Pretty cheap. About $30. Comes with mount. Not bad. really! Bought a beats by dr.dre earpiece. Freaking cheap. $16sgd. Guess i'm not getting a bike here. Shipping is mad expensive. Might as well get a dahon back in sg. Went to those night market things near kowloon. (No Janet, not the men's street). Saw rilakuma stuffs again. This time saw a rilakuma small umbrella. Really nice. Doesn't even look like an umbrella when closed. Looks like those metal water bottles. See if Janet wants. Couldn't find kapibara at all. Maybe die die have to win one to get. Hahaha. Oh yes. Hope she wasn't late today. LOL.

Sunday, December 12, 2010


The title says it all.


Day 2 started late. Woke up in the afternoon. Ate beef brisket rice. Went foldable bike hunting. Saw a Dahon that catched my eye. Hmm. Maybe buy next week or something. Yay! Saw more rillakuma stuffs. Got quilt, Pencil holder, coin bank. ALOT LA. Yes, tmrw's my bday. And Janet starts work tmrw. Awesome. Happy Birthday to me, and all the best to her. Not being sarcastic though.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Its pretty cold here. It's 18.3 degrees. OUTSIDE. Hahaha. But quite shiok. Walked around just now. Saw a HUGE batzmaru. many many rillakumas, and some kapibaras. But kapibaras must win from machine. Haha, see how ba. Try to win. Still searching for kero chan thou. Tryna search for the cycling shop within these few days. See what's there. I wanna go back with something cycling related. LOLOLOL. OK. Rosanne will love the TV here. HK drama non stop. Like really. I think only 3 channels of English shows.

Friday, December 10, 2010


At the Airport waiting nao. An hour or so before plane takes off. Till then.


Pretty soon, i'm gonna be flying 15,000 feet in the air. Kinda psyched about it.


Exams are over! YESSAH! Next, Hong Kong.

After paper today, went with the 2b10 guys (and gal) to fc4. You can't imagine how many people actually ate the breakfast set. Like seriously. Played dota, then met ahle and janet in CAM lab. Waited for Karim, ate lunch, then went moberly to jam. Climbed till 7 i think. Didn't get to cut my hair though. =[

Met mom and sis ate lot1, then decided to cut hair at jean yip. not bad. haha. can go there from now onwards.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


OMG Its so late and im still awake. GG. Tmrw, waking up at 615. I'll totally be running on empty. Thank god its a one hour paper.


plans for tomorrow. after paper, slack around till 12, meet up with ahle and janet. then karim at 1. lunch, then decide from there what to do. Still wanna cut my hair though. Love and hate impromptu plans. Sometimes its more fun that way, but in times, you don't get to do what you wanted. Lets just hope i get to cut my hair tomorrow.


Drew 10 cats for Janet. lolol. Who knew it could be so tiring. The pic can be found on her blog.

Climbed today. Not as tired as before, thou this was the longest duration spent at the rock gym. Achievement! HAHA! Didn't realize we were the only Chinese there for quite a long time. Hmmm. Segregation ftw. Racial Harmony my ass.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Nur für mich bist du am Leben Ich steck dir Orden ins Gesicht Du bist mir ganz und gar ergeben Du liebst mich denn ich lieb' dich nicht  Du blutest für mein Seelenheil Ein kleiner Schnitt und du wirst geil Der Körper - schon total entstellt Egal, erlaubt ist, was gefällt  Ich tu' dir weh. Tut mir nicht Leid! Das tut dir gut. Hör wie es schreit!  Bei dir habe ich die Wahl der Qual Stacheldraht im Harnkanal Leg dein Fleisch in Salz und Eiter Erst stirbst du doch dann lebst du weiter  Bisse, Tritte, harte Schläge Nadel, Zangen, stumpfe Säge Wünsch' dir was, ich sag nicht nein Und führ' dir Nagetiere ein  Ich tu' dir weh. Tut mir nicht Leid! Das tut dir gut. Hör wie es schreit!  Ich tu' dir weh. Tut mir nicht Leid! Es tut dir gut. Hör wie es schreit!  Du bist das Schiff, ich der Kapitän Wohin soll denn die Reise geh'n? Ich seh' im Spiegel dein Gesicht Du liebst mich denn ich lieb' dich nicht  Ich tu' dir weh. Tut mir nicht Leid! Das tut dir gut. Hört wie es schreit!  Ich tu' dir weh. Tut mir nicht Leid! Das tut dir gut. Hör wie es schreit!  Ich tu' dir weh. Tut mir nicht Leid! Das tut dir gut. Hör wie's schreit!   Lyric © Rammstein


Oh yes, wenta ask for Oakley Jawbone with red iridium lens. Guess the price.

Okay give up?

$400+ for base model,
$180+ for red iridiums
$210+ for red iridiums polarized.

GOD. Time to save.


It's three days to Hong Kong. What do i feel about it? Mixed. First thought is missing everyone and everything here. Cycling, internet, games, friends, outings, and more recently climbing. I know, i wanna see my dad and all, but just gonna miss sg so badly. 3 weeks is a long time to be away. Who knows? I might need the holiday after all. Time to relax, and not to mention cheaper stuff there!

Things to look out for over there:

Santa Cruz Bicycles
Giant Faith
Trek Scratch
Red Bull Fullface
Goggles to add to the collection
Lotsa bermuda shorts
Climbing shoes?
Magnets for Janet's Yakult filled fridge
Dry bag for ahle
Emma Watson stuffs for Karim and myself
I guess food for cheng?

Guess i'll go over and look around. Might find something nice for you know who.


Ate Janet's fried rice just now, in a powerpuff girls lunchbox. FARKING CUTE CAN! mwahahaha! Not sure what's the meat thou. I only know there's sausages. But NAISE! Haha thanks Janet!

Was so close to getting my climbing shoes today. No thanks to maths class. Oh well, save more and get a better one next time then.

Conquered most of the rate of change questions. Sorta. A lil confident about tmrw, yet still kinda nervous. But as usual, never in the mood to pick up the notes and start cracking.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


Gonna leave for school soon. Going to library, colours@sp. For god damn maths. Alone. Again. Sigh. Hopefully can climb a bit later. Somehow it takes my mind of things.

Had to sleep early last night. Couldn't take it. The flu is making me feel like crap. Can't even study. Weather is not helping either.

Leaving for Hong Kong in a few days time. Mixed feelings about it, maybe its a nice time to relax and stop thinking about stuff.


Feeling so meh now. Still sick-ish, supposed to be studying. Meeting Babu tmrw for god damn maths. Thursday's the paper. Just feel so lazy now. I want the exams to end so badly!!!!!!

Monday, December 6, 2010


OKAY. Looked at the clock and it says 4.44. Those of you that don't speak canto, 444 is pronounced the same way as DIEDIEDIE. OMGWTFBBQ.


Okay, first off, welcome. So this is my newest blog, tryna keep it as simple as possible, and let the words do the rest.

So mech2 paper was today, GG. Can't do much. Just sat there daydreaming. Gave me too much to think about. Still feeling sick, (thanks Janet. ><) Kept blowing my nose in class. Ran out of tissue papers. Imagine that! Okay, standard, Chunyew asked the dumbest questions of all. It was 10 mins to the end of paper and we we'rent to pass up the papers and leave the place. I mean the invigilator just said it, and there he is asking, Cher! Can pass up now? -.-

Anyways, having this fucked up feeling recently. Hate it so much. Just feel pretty unwanted and lonesome. Don't know why. There's great friends = great company. But i guess watching your friends (whom 2 of them are a couple) being so loving and spending so much time with each other, sharing thoughts and interests, just makes me feel like having a companion of my own. Sigh.

Gosh, its almost 4am. Better sleep soon. Gotta finish the maths stuff Babu gave me to do by Wed. :s

G'Night world.