Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I give up

Well it doesn't matter to anyone that I wasn't home, I was tired like fuck, and I wasn't happy? Apparently so. Might as well just stay in and fuck everyone and everything right?

I come home tired and shit not expecting you to open the door for me and stuff. Yet you all still fall below my expectations. You just sit there. Both of you. Doing whatever fuck you were doing. Didn't even bother turning your head towards me. Didn't mutter anything. Not a simple hello. Yet when you had to move your leg and your items to make way for me and my bike, you were grumpy. Sorry I'm a hindrance. Sorry for coming home. Not a hello, not a good night.

I wanted to share what happened in camp the past few days, listen to what's going on at home. Just spend some time with you guys since I'm staying in tomorrow night as well. Well I couldn't even get a simple hello. Except my mum. But still fuck you guys.

Like I said. I might as well just stay in then. Fuck everyone. It may even make you miss me more. I'll spend less money and effort too. More sleep as well.

Fml. I shouldn't even care anymore.

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