Saturday, August 16, 2014

Day 100

Woke up early and decided to take a short run, weather was nice and condusive. Came back to shower and went to sleep back haha.

Woke up again in the afternoon, had lunch with mum at drive 6. Went to school to do some painting. Realised I forgot to bring some parts, so I only painted 2 necron warriors. Played some war thunder there, taught others how to paint and stuff. Mostly talked shit with them haha.

Went over to westgate with the guys afterwards for dinner. All of us being indecisive fucks, we couldn't decide on what to eat. Walked around for a while till we decided on hot tomato. Needless to say I ordered salmon. Mwahahaha. Had some salad too. Bought some salmon sashimi later on at isetan.

Went home to take my bike then cycled over to aunt's place to chit chat a while then headed off to simei for some PT with janet. 3 rounds yo. I wish my back didn't hurt so much though. Good exercise nonetheless. Feel like running again tomorrow too. Rode to simei mrt coffee shop for a drink and a chat, sent her back home and I headed home as well. Also, awesome pillion skillz yo. My poor bike tho :( hahaha.

Reached home then played some computer, then here I am writing this.

So its already been 100 days. What have I achieved? Well I feel lighter and happier in general. But I can improve. On my attitude, fitness and thoughts. This 100 days may have ended, and I may not post everyday anymore. But it doesn't mean that I'll stop smiling, be cheerful and kind. I'll still work to achieve my goals and dreams too. Throughout this journey, there were bad days and good days. But everything that happened is a lesson to be learnt, so that I can move on and be a better person.

I may not be a good writer, and I can't express what I feel in words. But I hope that everyone knows that I am thankful for everyone who made me who I am today. Thanks for everything. I love you all.

100 km on the 100th day. Haha.

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