Tuesday, September 6, 2011


So apparently my mom has some thing going on which i have no idea what it is. Pre menapause something something. Means she's going through a stage where she just becomes so emotional in a snap. But i don't think that's the case. I think she's just using that as an excuse to get mad at us. Ever since she went to the doc and found out she got this, it just got worse. And now she's all hatin on my sis. Whatever.

Just have to hold on until Thursday. THEN SHE'S FRIGGIN OFF TO GOD DAMN CHINA MUTHAFUCKA! Don't have to see her face, hear her voice. Woot woot shiok. Till then. Ugh. GG.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

knn wake up for fuck? see your face? hear your nagging? what's the god damn point. fight with you also lose. don't fight with you also lose.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Think Jas is right again. When it's the right time, it will just happen, just let it happen. No point forcing disappointment upon myself. Oh well i guess.

Till then,


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

sieht aus wie ein Flughafen

Looks like an airport. Yep. RP.
And soooo many eye candy! *drool*

K was actually not bad, quite productive. Studied thermo and stats. Hahah.

No pics though. Oh yes. Must remember to post pic of friday's run. heh.

Monday, July 18, 2011


you became so ugly somehow. like disgustingly ugly. i don't know why, when i see you it makes me grimace. eeeewwwww. just gave me the shivers.

hässlich means ugly FYI.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Don't feel like climbing nowadays. Don't know why, like tired ah. Ratio of fun to tiredness not in my favour. Its liker climb a while then tired for next few days.

RUNNING HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE. Can run 11 rounds without feeling tired, but still cannot run and pass 2.4km -.- sibeh fail leh.

3rd July got batam trip again. Mom don't allow WTF. Win already lo.

Painted my otterbox camo. HEHEHE DAS REICH TIGER CAMO FTW. Credits goes to dy though. Haha fucking plastic modeller genius. Gonna build a pz3 with him soon. Take the learnings from that and build a tiger with cheng. hah. Liker fun only. But gotta buy airbrush and compressor. GG EX LIKE SHIT

Saturday, June 4, 2011

should have known better. Sigh.


Du, du bist eine Schlampe. Ja.
You, you are one helluva slut. Yeap.

It doesn't take a girl to sleep with guys to be a slut. Sex does not even need to be involved to make someone a slut. And don't make yourself feel good by calling yourself friendly. A slut is a slut is a slut is a slut. So just fuck off and die. Seriously.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's sad, so sad. Why can't we talk it over?
kannst du mich hören?
Kannst du mich fühlen?
Sie können spüren, wie mein Schmerz?
Können Sie mich weinen?

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Ja, es ist die fünftausend laufen

Yeap, it's the nike 5k goddess run. hahahah FBT SHORTS FTW.

shall i let the pics do the talking? hahahaha

sunset on barrage so lovely. sit there talk talk also very nice. hahaha. view = combo multiplier x10. LOL LAME.

Saturday, April 30, 2011


haji lane


guess who?

liping!! haha

someone going for nike run leh!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Seeing two lovers constantly fighting is heartbreaking. You don't know what you had till you lost it. Hope he realises that. If he doesn't, then it's such a shame. Honestly. 

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Going Batam tomorrow! Cycle cycle. Can't wait. Been waiting for this since god knows when. Just hope it doesn't rain tomorrow though. Pray it doesn't rain? Hell yeah.


0400 - wake up
0515 - meet saz
0530 - set off
0615 - rendezvous at harborfront
0630 - start checking in
anything can happen in between
2000 - start heading back?
2100 - start heading back?
2200 - dinner?
2300 - home, sleep, school tomorrow.


So Jasmine said just be myself for her. Right. Thing is, I've changed so much for her, till i don't know who i am anymore. Who am I?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Sometimes you just gotta do & not wait until the right time arrives. Don't be a person who has to regret all the time, life never waits."
2011 @Tiffannywilliam

Monday, April 11, 2011


Its almost 1.30am and I'm having much thoughts. Not sure if my phone battery will last me the course of my thought expelling process.

Who even reads this blog?? Other than the spam in the tagboard, Janet (no offence, i appreciate your reading) and a few ghosts. No one. One could call this my storage box for my feelings. (to those I left out, I apologise)

Some of you may know. I fell in love 2 years back with a girl up the hill in the buisness block. Had the chance, was unsure, didn't take the risk. When I was sure, still didn't take it. Too afraid of rejection. Comparing now with trying and failing, should have chosen the latter. Regrets you say? Totally.

Now there's this girl. Pretty. Funny. Outgoing. Sweet. With a wee bit of a wild side. Yup, captian obvious, I like her.

Made that mistake once, never going to make it again.

Okay ghosts, don't call me fickle minded.

Seems like a fast decision to like someone, but seldom you find a girl that actually likes and appreciates the jokes I give, and actually says those jokes herself. There are obviously prettier girls out there, but I don't see myself happy with them. I see myself happy with you. Really, I do. Might be a simple crush, who knows? Never had the chance to express love and what not to another girl before, so I wouldn't know.

What Janet said was right though. Try not to Fall in love too quickly. It'll just leave me heartbroken in the process. But seems I already have. But will be cautious of my approach towards this.


But to my miss spongebob, good night, have a pleasant day at work. Can't wait till I see you again. Hopefully without those twats though.
Can I dream of you too? Please??

Thursday, April 7, 2011


No i don't mean fox float. I mean the feeling i get when i see you. Can i get to know you better? You seem so nice, sweet, everything i'm not. Funny too. Best part is you're not those high maintainence type. hehehehehehehe you make me feel like flying.

Listening to those dickheads disturbing somehow doesn't matter, and seeing you makes me stop myself from wanting to punch that retard in the face. <3

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


I dreamt of you. And it was nice. Everything I imagined and hoped you would be. That's the problem though. You changed. And I didn't. You'll never be the same. I had the chance, and I missed it by miles. :(

But still, the dream was nice. To see you again was nice. :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Fell today.

Painful no doubt.

On a side note, shirtless BT was fun. Hahaha, gotta try it again.

Oh yes, I HAVE got to start setting labels again for the posts. Getting lazy..

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Maintained and built part of BT with the DirTraction people. Built an awesome berm. Lots of people, including Ang mohs, and Ang moh hot chicks!!!! HAHAHAHA (troll face).

Overall pretty fun la. Had a chance to give back to the cycling community. Tired but felt worthwhile. Awesome experience indeed.

Ride with Alfred and people tomorrow. Meeting Saz at 830. Sigh. Early. Plus tired. Haha.
mein Herz schlägt nicht mehr weiter.
My heart does not beat anymore.

Thursday, February 17, 2011


It's pretty sad actually. To see so many pretty girls put there, what's more I don't seem to have a 'type'. That should make it easier right? Theoretically, yes. In reality, fat hope.

Is there actually something wrong with me? That makes me so undesirable? Or the inability to get a girl?

Oh, how I long for one so badly.

Seeing couples together makes me sort of shrivel. Oh how much I would give to be in a position that guy's in. I wouldn't mine the fights, disagreements, quarrels. It's part and parcel of a relationship. What's more, I haven't even experienced it yet.

Sometimes I feel that couples don't appreciate what they have until its lost.

Why am I writing all these? I guess I have the lonely mood again, and the want of being with someone close and intimate. Sigh. I guess only a few people would actually understand what I feel.

Eins für mich!!!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I shall forget. You.

Hard to do no doubt.

Still, it's less pain than continuing on and pretending it doesn't hurt.

So long, fairwell. Auf Wiedersehen i guess. Thanks for being a part of my memory.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


Thinking about being alone again for valentine's day just makes me want to sleep through the whole day. And hope that if i wake up, the day will be over.


Haii. Seems as though i should try and forget about you. Seems like a waste of time. 2 years. So much could've been acomplished in that period. You've changed so much from the time i started to know you. If i can't turn back time, i guess i'll just have to move on.

Still, thinking about moving on is tough. When i try to forget you, here comes someone that reminds/ looks/ behaves/ like you.

Looks like another lonely valentine's day again.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Friday, January 21, 2011

Hang on!

Janet, please hang on, you do have friends that will be there for you, don't ever feel you're alone. We feel it when you're depressed too. I don't know how to feel also cuz i've never had a friendship i ever cared for this much. Would hug you if i could now.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Just a myth

Whoever said poly was gonna be a breeze is gonna get a tight slap from me. Tough shit. LMAO.

Got 2 IE homework still incomplete, Mech2 still blur, math 2 mst fail. GG LA.

Anyway climbing tmrw, hopefully can forget my troubles. Gosh, haven't reached the top in a long time. God i suck.

Meeting xw on wed to pass him livestrong bands and take fast fender. (Y). Wanna get NATO straps with ahle for my watch. Olive green sounds nice.

Feeling dizzy now. Don't know why. What's wrong with me? Haven't shat properly in a long time. AND I CAN'T FREAKING PASS MY 2.4KM RUN CAN.

Can't stay awake now. What happened to the Dexter that was so able and willing to sleep at 6am? Janet says I'm old. WTF. Thanks ah eh. But true ah. Feeling old. =[

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Tuesday, January 4, 2011