Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 59

Sunday! Woke up around 1pm then went for lunch with parents. Came home then took the bike out for some errands. Picked up my pants from alteration, bought some household stuff, etc. Took a short ride around the neighbourhood as well. Been a while since I rode. The bike strangely doesn't seem to have the squeaky noise anymore. It misses being ridden maybe!

Janet achieved 4th for boulderactive 2014! It's pretty awesome considering that she was sick and all. That's real beast yo.

Wondering if it's a good idea to climb on a regular basis to train for novice men. It'll be nice to compete for something again. Or I should train xc or road cycling again hmmm. I need to get my bike in perfect working order. Or maybe downsize the travel, my bike is a little to big for local trails.

I cooked pasta for my family today for dinner, wasn't as nice as in aussie, but hopefully nice enough. Made too much pasta after heeding mom's advice. I knew I should have listened to myself instead. Had to dilute the sauce so that there was enough sauce to go around all that pasta. Sigh. Not enough mushrooms too. Again mom's advice. Ya know the saying, too many cooks spoils the broth. Yup.

Oh well. What matters most is that I cooked for us. And I'm happy I've done so.

Well work tomorrow, looking forward to gymming again. I've came up with a 10 week programme to get me bigger, let's see where it takes me. Pretty psyched about it.

Grandaunt is leaving sg tomorrow, so I'm heading to airport after work. Barely spent time with her this trip, I feel bad. :(

Good night aliens.

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