Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 53

Aussie day 5

Travelled to gold coast for shopping, retail therapy ftw! Spent a bit too much I think, though they were really good deals!

Decided to make pasta instead of eating out. The food prices here are insane. Total damage: A$11, McDonald's: A$15 (for one person). Jesus.

Always loved creamy chicken pasta,  so I started searching online for recipes. Went to coles for some grocery shopping then went back home and started prep. Was a little disorientated at first, not sure which step was next and stuff, but I can proudly say I can make it now with no recipe!

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Day 52

Aussie day 4

Went to the city to shop around, bought some souvenirs and gifts. Had korean food in the afternoon, then a burger at night. MOAR BURGERS.

It's pretty lame that the shops closes around 5pm. Anything else that's open is just related to food, unless it's a night market. I guess that's just how things are over here.

Waking up early to go to gold coast tomorrow, so gonna rest soon.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Day 51

Aussie day 3

Slept in, woke up around 3pm today. Had some eggs and toast for breakfast (if you still call it that at that time), then left for north brisbane.

Long travel, got lost somewhere in the journey, but friendly customer service staff and transport operators pointed us in the right direction again. They're so friendly!

Long walk towards the place, but it was worth it. $2 entrance fee. Food everywhere. From all around the world. I had two sets of burgers and fries. One all western, the other korean - American fused. Lovely meals! Had Hungarian garlic bread, ginger beer, beef burger, bulgogi beef burger. Lots to eat. Gonna be fat in no time.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 50

Australia day 2.

Woke up earlier to go to gold coast. Went to dreamworld! Not enough time to ride everything I wanted, but doesn't matter, managed to ride the tower of terror! Not so much terror though. The legend is greater than what it actually is. Went on some other rides as well.

Went over to gold coast beach market to walk around afterwards. Bought a leather hat for dad! Hope he likes it. Still shopping around for gifts though.

Tried from walking and travelling. Gonna sleep now.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Day 49

Aussie day 1

Arrived at brisbane airport and cleared customs by 10.50am. Boarded the train and headed for the city. Met up with cousin and went to her apartment and took a nap.

Went for lunch at her university, had smoked salmon pizza. Best combo ever. Her uni was very nice! I wished I studied there :(

Walked around the city, till dinner time, then had some awesome ramen. Food there is super expensive. But that ramen made every dollar worth it. Free refills too!

On the way back, saw people playing super sized board games, interesting, what's more, it's free to play! Very wonderful idea! Too bad I was too tired for it though.

Haven't rested properly yet, going to shower and sleep.

I'll let the pictures do the talking!

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Day 48

Normal work today. Well not really, really relaxed work. Took a nap from 11.30am to 3pm. Went to gym from 3pm to 4.30pm. Last gym session for a week so I pushed pretty hard. Traps and triceps hurting more, but that's good!

Came home and finalised my packing, withdrew another few hundred dollars for the trip. Oh god I'm broke now. I hope the trip will be worth it!

Gonna miss my friends and family, but it's a nice break and I'm looking forward to dropping everything and relax.

Waiting to board the plane now, going to be a long 8 hour flight. There's many kids on board, hope they don't get too rowdy.

Following updates will be from aussie!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Day 47

Bought some last minute stuff for the trip, shall pack my luggage later tonight.

Fetched uncle mark and kim from the airport. They're my UK grandaunt's daughter and son in law. Last time I saw them was in 2002. Been a long time.

Haven't been to the library yet. I'll go tomorrow after work, before I fly off. Hope I can find a suitable book.

It's one more day to the trip, mixed feelings. I really wanted to go hong kong. I guess this will do. I need a break from everything real bad, I guess this trip is the second best to going hk. No gym facilities there, might try to run there. The weather now is cooling, so it's condusive to run.

Sudden urge to build lego. I wanna build a pikachu! Need to source for lots of lego bricks. Not cheap though.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 46

Intense gym session today. Worked out till my muscles were failing. Felt good. Gonna miss when Shawn joins bmt, one less gym buddy then.

Went with warrant francis to a recruit's house to speak with his parents. They're having some difficulties so I accompanied him there. Went for some tze char dinner afterwards. Encik paid! Haha not bad. Drove me back home even. He stays near me but still.. Thanks!

Came back home, watched a bit of TV then knocked out. Slept for one hour or so on the sofa. Was supposed to be packing for my aussie trip. My mistake. I'm not leaving on Tuesday night. I'm checking in on Wednesday night, and flying off at 12.45am on Thursday morning.

Beargguy has new clothes, and has found a new home! I have no doubt he will be well taken care off, and that he'll take care of janet as well!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Day 45

Late lunch with Yanxiang at al azhar tampines today. Had nasi goreng pataya with two bandungs.

Went to bugis with Xavier, Yanxiang and chin wee at 6pm. Went around picking a suit for me. Ended up buying one at zara in ion orchard.

Ate at the soup spoon, then Yanxiang headed off shortly after for book in. We walked around afterwards then went home.

So I won't see xavier until next year, wish him all the best for his studies and hope everything goes well for him.

Today is Janet's birthday as well! Hope she has a blast on her special day!

Well it's back to work tomorrow, meaning it's time for gym again!

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 44

Great sleep last night, wish it was longer though. Met with xavier at bedok then headed to spgg for bowling. Had lots of fun, it's nice to spend some time with the spla people not just doing plamo, but other activities as well.

Headed down to plaza sing for a movie. How to train your dragon 2. Haha toothless so cute! I want my own pet dragon too :3

Shopped around in daiso for a bit. Bought some batteries. Air con remote no batt :(

It's nice to see xaiver before he leaves for the UK again. He's here for such a short time only. He leaves this Thursday, and I leave for aussie this Tuesday night.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 43

Came in earlier for work, had free breakfast at cookhouse, did some work, played a fool in the office. The usual. Haha. Went for a short gym session, didn't do much. Just nua in gym for quite a while.

Managed to catch the bus in time when we left camp. Bus uncle left earlier than usual, leaving others behind in camp. Haha. Did nothing to stop the uncle though.

Went satay by the bay for dinner with grandaunts and parents. Good food, better people, great atmosphere.

Came back home to take Janet's birthday present, then headed off to meet her at West plaza for massage. Oh my god. Worth every dollar. Body feels like jelly now. Did foot reflexology and back massage. I think I can rest really well tonight. Haven't had an awesome sleep in a while.

Had prata afterwards too. Chatted quite a bit about stuff. Been a while since I met her. I hope she likes the present. Take real good care of it kay!

Auf wiedersehen!

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 42

Managed to go to gym today. Good workout. Tried skull crusher. Trying to grow my triceps, especially the outer ones. Very shag. Haha. Came back home and did some PT as well. Only thing missing is running haha. Oh wells.

Work was alright, stayed till late to finish some work, now I just wanna sleep. Ready to collapse any moment now haha.

I got my endorphins today! So happy!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 41

Work day. No gym again. I need to make a conscious effort to go to the gym to exercise. else the facilities are wasted.

Dysfunctional family. So much going on at home. Sis causing so many problems for my parents, parents causing problems for me. Blaming everyone for everything (myself included).

Mom thinks dad's biased towards me, dad thinks sis is too much, mom thinks I get away with things too easily, sis thinks everyone needs to chill. I don't know what's going on. Just make it stop.

Spent some time around the library today, don't know where to start. But it's so nice and peaceful there. It's so wonderful. I wish they divided the books more into genres than generic classification. Hmmm where to start..

Started packing for my aussie trip, not sure how much winter clothing to pack. It's cool there but not cold. But I don't know if the weather will turn colder.

Trying to save money as much as I can, so I can spend more on the trip. Also after I get my lcp rank, I plan on bringing my folks out for dinner. Last time I did that was before enlistment. Would be nice to go again. 

Having an early night tonight, very tired. I guess today was rest day. Didn't do PT at all. Hahah. My shoulder aches. I don't know if there's something really wrong with my ankle. It feels loose. The joints are rubbing against each other and it hurts. Howwwwww. Sian.

I just want peace. And hugs. Lots of hugs. Hehe.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 40

Back to work, office finally has a working air con. Finally a condusive working environment.

Didn't go to gym today. Had work to do. By the time I could, the gym was already jam packed with people.

Lonely evening too. No dinner at camp or home, and no one to eat with. Dabao home though. Gave in to temptation for double down at KFC. Oh man those oily pieces of chicken. Gonna cause me a heart attack one day.

As a punishment for the food and no gym, did 2 extra sets of pt. Gosh my back and abs hurt. So sore right now. Still can't run though. I miss my solace.

Speaking of which, popped by the library today. Don't know what to start off with. Ended up reading some comics.

Did some painting tonight. Painted some test models for colour schemes. Failed pretty miserably. Not even going to take photos of them. Ugh. In my head that scheme worked. Not in real life. Oh well.

Wrapped up Janet's present this evening as well. Hope she likes it. Though I guess she'll spend her bday with shuk. Shall pass her some other time perhaps.

Core muscles screaming. Ankle still hurts.
I want my solace.