Monday, June 2, 2014


I feel quite tired.

Tired of thinking too much, tired of feeling sorry for myself, tired of feeling sad. As much as I want to curl up and ignore everything. It isn't the solution. It won't go away. I'll have to face them and emerge successful.

Things that I have to set straight.

It's time I started taking care of myself. I won't be the type that eats everything clean. But I will watch what I eat. No fast food, unnecessary eating, oily or fatty foods and such. I'll give myself a cheat day though. Other than that everything I eat will be monitored. Intake should be less than output. Fruits daily and stuff. No soft drinks as well. Ugh.

I've already started this. But I should set a goal for myself. Feeling fat the past couple of days, not being able to run. Seems my ankle hurts more than anything now. I guess I had a bulking phase already, haha. Now its time yo cut. PT as often as I can when I can't run, gym on alternate weekdays. And impromptu exercises in between whenever I feel I have strength to give. The pain is good. It means I'm growing fitter. Masochistic much?

But yes. I plan to participate in a half marathon next year. Who knows? Maybe a full marathon! But I won't set my goal too high. Half will do. Feeling psyched!

I'll have to sit down and filter through. Concentrate and spend time on people thay care, and time to block out those that don't. It's hard to do, but I'll have to take this step in order to move forward and be happy.

I don't know what genre I like, because honestly, I don't read. But I should. I'll try some fantasy I guess? Seems nice to dive into a book and Teleport myself to another place. Improves my language skills as well.

This one. Ugh. I'll have to go back to study anyways, so I need to think this through. And properly as well. At this point I'm not sure what to study, but architecture and design springs to mind.

I really want to drive. It gives a sense of satisfaction and freedom. More importantly I don't have to keep taking cabs all the time anymore.

Basically these are issues that come to mind which I would want to overcome. Tired of.of feeling sorry for myself. Time to take this into my own hands. Time to overcome.

Let's go.

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