Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 27

The usual. Work as per normal. Rained heavily in the morning though, got wet. Might have caught a flu in the midst of it. Sian.

Beginning to feel happy at work. Though PTP is starting and things are going to get busy once again. Trying to keep a positive mindset about it.

Had dinner with parents as usual. Becoming the norm. It feels nice to spend time with them but yet it feels like a chore. Maybe because I'm expected to do so.

I fucked up Janet's assignment though. Apparently I plagiarized 23% while writing her report. I thought I edited enough, turns out I didn't. I feel very bad. Trying to rush through it so she could have more time to focus on other things, instead, I've probably done the opposite. Now she has to redo it by tomorrow, so much for helping huh. Hope I can make it up to her somehow. I'm so sorry about it.

How can I help others be happy when I fuck things up like this?

There I go again, thinking too much about everything. I don't know. Going to curl up and sleep soon.

Maybe I don't deserve anything. Where's my solace?

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