Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 40

Back to work, office finally has a working air con. Finally a condusive working environment.

Didn't go to gym today. Had work to do. By the time I could, the gym was already jam packed with people.

Lonely evening too. No dinner at camp or home, and no one to eat with. Dabao home though. Gave in to temptation for double down at KFC. Oh man those oily pieces of chicken. Gonna cause me a heart attack one day.

As a punishment for the food and no gym, did 2 extra sets of pt. Gosh my back and abs hurt. So sore right now. Still can't run though. I miss my solace.

Speaking of which, popped by the library today. Don't know what to start off with. Ended up reading some comics.

Did some painting tonight. Painted some test models for colour schemes. Failed pretty miserably. Not even going to take photos of them. Ugh. In my head that scheme worked. Not in real life. Oh well.

Wrapped up Janet's present this evening as well. Hope she likes it. Though I guess she'll spend her bday with shuk. Shall pass her some other time perhaps.

Core muscles screaming. Ankle still hurts.
I want my solace.

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